quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

Palmela on the table
Deciding the menu is a creative process. As always, we try to choose the most interesting products in season. Most often the natural marriages of the ingredients lead us to the definition of the dishes. We started with an organic red pepper salad as we did last dinner which combined perfectly with the cured Azeitão cheese, roasted almonds and cilantro.
By AnaMariaGozandoAvida
This was the motto, sort of speak. After that, Palmela’s great products were making part of the menu! Palmela is a fantastic wine region known for the great Castelão wines and Azeitão cheese.
The wine Serra Mãe Reserva, 2005 was made by a young and talented enologist Filipe Cardoso who is the driving force behind Sivipa, an old wine company from Palmela. 2005 was one of the best years of the last decade in the region and this wine, produced with 35 year old Castelão grapes, was the perfect companion for the dinner.
Since we’re in the summer, we thought shrimps would be a good choice! That’s how we came up with the Ultramarine shrimp soup. A simple broth made with really fresh shrimp heads from Algarve sided by fried shrimps with red chili and cocoa nibs from S. Tomé, an unusual combination and a reminiscence of the old Portuguese colonies which introduced the spices in our culinary.

Once more we baked Algarve’s carob wet cake. This time sided by a granita of Maçã Riscadinha, an old apple variety from Palmela with cherry sauce on top. Great combination!
Maçã Riscadinha de Palmela

Besides the atypical summer, the night was great allowing us to set the table outside. And once more we feel really lucky and privileged to welcome in our garden truly generous guests who share with us the pleasure for great food, great wine and good company!

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

9 de Julho de 2011
Aperitivos e Entradas
To start
Porto Tonic
Hummus de beterraba
Beetroot hummus

Salada de pimentos vermelhos e queijo seco de ovelha de Azeitão
Red pepper salad with cured Azeitão cheese

Codorniz com Molho Vilão e limão de conserva caseira
Quail with “Molho Vilão” and home-made lemon preserve

Sopa de camarão Ultramarino
Ultramarin shrimp soup

To continue

Grão com bacalhau e coentros assados no forno com azeite
Chickpeas with salt cod and fresh coriander roasted in clay pottery

To finish

Bolo húmido de alfarroba algarvia com granizado de cereja
Carob wet cake from Algarve with cherry granita

Leite creme
Egg and milk custard (traditional Portuguese recipe)


Vinho tinto (Red wine): Serra Mãe Reserva 2005, Palmela
Medalha de ouro no Concurso Vinalies International, destacando-se entre 3500 vinhos de todo o mundo.
Produzido a partir de vinhas da tradicional casta Castelão com mais de 35 anos de idade, este vinho fino e elegante apresenta aromas de frutos maduros e compota associado a aromas de especiarias. Na boca os taninos são evidentes casando bem com carne de aves, pratos de forno e a sua acidez faz dele uma excelente companhia para queijos.

Serra Mãe Reserva won a Gold medal award in the wine competition Vinalies International among 3500 wines from all over the world.
This wine is produced from 35 year old vineyards of Castelão, with a rich ripe fruit and spicy aromas. Its tannins marry perfectly with white meat and roast dishes and its acidity makes it a great companion to cheeses.

Vinho de sobremesa (Dessert wine): Moscatel de Setúbal Bacalhôa, 2004

Café e chá do Hush-Hush Garden
Coffee and Hush-Hush Garden’s tea

No Hush-Hush Garden escolhemos cozinhar com produtos biológicos ou produzidos de forma sustentável.
Hush-Hush Garden prefers organic or sustainably produced ingredients.